Guru of Glenborrodale Glenborrodale, Forest Glenborrodale Castle Ardnamurchan Truth Advaita Vedanta Shanti foundation Conscious community Ashram Versace Guru Rishi Guru Satsang Satsang with Shanti Shanti castle Spiritual Spiritual community, Enlightenment, Awakening
, Maserati Guru, Forest, Arunachala, Croatia, Vienna, Switzerland, Stromboli, Rosenheim


Ashram An Ashram ( Sanskrit आश्रम ) is traditionally a place of spiritual practice. It is a place where effort is made to develop one’s spirituality further. It is a physical location where people can live permanentely or temporarily, to be close by their personal teacher (Guru) and stay in the Guru’s energy.

Shanti holds Satsangs and retreats in his Ashrams.

If you are interested in staying in or visiting one of Shanti’s Asrahms to be with Shanti’s energy, write to