“Everything you´ve ever searched for, is you!”
Who can come to a private session with Shanti?
People of every age. Adults, children and teenagers.
During a private session you can focus on any area with more intensity and depth. For example, a persistent topic that keeps coming up, or a long term mind-set.
Shanti uses a broad range of methods and can work very deeply, guiding you and exploring with you in safe and contained environment.
What methods does Shanti use?
Western methods:
Systematic family therapy, talking psychotherapy, behaviour therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, deep psychological treatments, energy and consciousness work, western forms of meditation, indigenous shaman treatments
Eastern methods:
Advaita Vedanta (teachings of non-duality), Vajrajana Buddism, Zen, guided meditation, holistic yoga (bhakthi-yoga, karma-yoga, jmana yoga, raja yoga)